Studies of technogenic soils in Poland: past, present, and future perspectives
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Institute of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Polska
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, Department of Soil Science and Landscape Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Polska
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Department of Geoengineering and Reclamation, University of Zielona Gora, Polska
Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Polska
Department of Land Protection, University of Opole, Polska
Submission date: 2020-10-07
Final revision date: 2020-11-09
Acceptance date: 2020-12-11
Online publication date: 2021-01-14
Publication date: 2021-01-14
Corresponding author
Łukasz Uzarowicz   

Institute of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Nowoursynowska Str. 159, 02-776, Warszawa, Polska
Soil Sci. Ann., 2020, 71(4), 281-299
For a long time, the soils covering areas strongly transformed by human were ignored in scientific discourse. Also, practice did not care much about these soils because of their unproductivity. Only the large post-mining areas reclaimed and transformed into a forest or agricultural land were more interesting both for science and practice. In the case of post-mining areas the term “soilless land” was used for a long time, especially in relation to areas which were not reclaimed. In this paper, the past studies (until the end of 20th century) of technogenic soils in Poland were described. Technogenic soils of urban and industrial areas appeared in scientific considerations in Poland in the second half of the 20th century. In those times, soil properties on disposal sites were mainly investigated as a basic information for further design of technical and biological reclamation on disposal sites. Two Polish scientists should be emphasised as the world pioneers in concepts and studies of technogenic soils: (1) Michał Strzemski, who proposed a classification scheme for soils in urban and industrial areas, as well as listed the tasks for future studies of these soils, and (2) Tadeusz Skawina, who focused on the dynamic and directions of the soil-forming processes on the mine spoils in the context of their reclamation. Moreover, studies of technogenic soils in the last two decades were also shown in the paper. From the beginning of the 21st century the scientific research gained momentum. Nowadays, Polish researchers have great achievements in studying technogenic soils, including investigation of their properties, genesis, evolution, classification, biological features etc. Furthermore, we drew some outlines for future studies of Technosols.
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